Inspirational People and Stories
From Digital Waste to Social Gold
The Coronavirus crisis caught everyone unprepared. The education system introduced distance learning in lockdown, but 200,000 children in Israel do not own computers.
The Magical Violin of Fiona Middleton
Environmental organizations and activists must sometimes become very creative, in order to succeed in protecting wildlife.
Fiona Middleton, a musician and violinist, discovered while playing on the seashores that the wild seals are approaching her to listen to her magical violin.
Everyone can make miracles and change the world. Even children!
Often, it is really easy to become depressed when it comes to environmental disasters, and we believe that only miracles can save the situation.
Living in Harmony with Leopards
Normally, Leopard-human’s interactions lead to a conflict, and finally to killing the leopards.
This amazing coexistence between the Leopards of Jhalana Reserve and residents of Jaipur city is a unique story.
Superstition, Owls and Sarah
Sarah Higgins was a farmer on the shores of Naivasha lake. What started as a cage for one Barn Owl with a broken wing had gradually become into an impressive center to save owls and other raptors in Kenya.
A Washing Machine for Birds and Dogs Saving Birds from Oil Spills
Gaatske's love for birds is endless. She had turned all her farm into a wild birds rescue and rehabilitation center. An incredible true story about a woman that does not wait for governmental support for helping wildlife.
A Fashion Designer for Whales and Dolphins
Katharina Hayer was a fashion designer who traveled the world designing sports gear. She fell in love with the sea, left her career, and created an NGO (FIRMM) which is dedicated to help whales and dolphins in the Gibraltar's straits.
Lennie and the Seals
It started in saving one seal in the back yard, and continued to the establishment of the seal rescue center in Pieterburen, Holland and missions of saving seals in Namibia and the Caspian Sea. Over 70 years old, and she is still ready to crawl in the muddy shores to save seals.
A Camera Instead of a Gun
Jose Luis could become a hunter, like many of his friends in Spain. However, he replaced the gun with a camera. His love for nature and for wildlife can be seen in every one of his beautiful pictures.
The Disappearing Honeybees – Biodynamic Approach (With Yossi Aud)
Yossi’s love for the bees had lead him to dedicate his life to saving them and also to persuade people to lose their fears, and join helping to stop the worrying decline of bees around the world.
Many people, communities and cities are using the bio-dynamic way to save them, and actually help the bees to save us, as most of the agriculture yields are dependent on the bees.