
Text and Illustrations: Ran Levy-Yamamori
In cooperation with Dr. Savvas Iezeqiel
In the last decades the number of Griffon Vultures had reduced from several hundreds to less than 20 individuals in Cyprus!
These vultures play an important role in the environment and often they are considered as bio-indicators for the environment's condition. Unfortunately, although not meaning to harm the vultures, farmers are using deadly poisons against magpies and foxes.
As a result the Vultures' population in Cyprus had decline to critical numbers.
Eantas is based on the real story of a young vulture, which fell from the nest to the sea and saved by Savvas Iezekiel.
Eantas grew up to a very impressive male and when became ready, was released back to nature. Five years later, Eantas started to build a nest with Aphrodite, another female vulture which was released by Savvas.
A few months later Eantas was found dead from poison.
The book was financed by The Leventhis Foundation and was a part of an educational project:
The basic idea is to transmit the importance of stopping poisoning through the children and their families (farmers and hunters). It was used by the education system in the regions where these problems occur to sensitize the locals and to increase the awareness to the poisoning issues and to its' sever damage.